随便问一个学生赌博导航所有网站大全最棒的是什么, 你会听到同样的声音:教职工!
The numbers matter: at Georgetown, we have a 11:1 student/faculty ratio; most lower-level courses are capped below 20, and no classes are taught by a Teaching Assistant; over 90% of our faculty have the highest degree in their field; and on national surveys GC students consistently say that their advisors are approachable and care about their success.
这些数字加起来等于多少? 教师的个人关注意味着你在课堂上遇到困难时会得到帮助, 鼓励你在自己擅长的课堂上取得优异成绩. 这意味着你的教职员工会来观看你的比赛,并叫出你的名字为你欢呼. It means mentorship that shapes you, 人脉机会帮你找到第一份工作, 以及特殊的基督教教育,帮助你在整个职业生涯中取得成功.